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If you are running a Windows-based point of sale system in your restaurant, you may be in for a surprise. Microsoft announced that Windows 7, a common operating system for most legacy point of sale systems, would face end of support January 14, 2020.

While systems running this operating system will technically still “work” - there are some significant risks associated continuing to run Windows 7 past the deadline. This includes the lack of updates or security patches, some of the most important pieces of maintaining a PCI-DSS compliant processing environment. Some restaurants counter these update requirements by installing stand-alone “non-integrated” credit card terminals, or hoping that Microsoft will extend the date of the end of support - but there has not been any announcement. Unfortunately, credit card processing companies struggle to communicate information to merchants when these types of security-related software upgrades occur.

Remember TLS 1.2? It was only a few years ago when restaurant owners were surprised by these security requirements. Restaurants experienced processing outages before the TLS 1.2 deadline sometimes even on busy weekends with no announcement. Other restaurants chose to just upgrade the legacy applications and systems - but with significant costs and interference to the restaurant operation - hoping to stay in front of the next upgrade.

Here are 4 Reasons to consider upgrading to a modern tablet-based point of sale:


1. Lower Costs

Remember the last time you had to replace that all-in-one POS terminal with the fried motherboard or hard drive? The costs of replacing and servicing hardware is expensive, and requires specialized labor or logistics to get a proprietary part RMA (return merchandise authorization) - which sometimes days or weeks to ship. If you're really in a bind most local POS dealers offer on-site services, but watch out for premium charges if its after hours or weekend.

With a modern tablet-based system, like the ones offered by Cervion, you can use a relatively inexpensive iPad - under $500 device - which is widely available and easy to replace, with no specialized labor requirements. This route will save money on hardware replacement costs. Reports show that the reduction of outages increases customer satisfaction, and garners repeat business.

2. Subscriptions

Software as a Service monthly programs have been popular with applications like Office 365 and Netflix, but most traditional point of sale companies still sell systems outright - for thousands of dollars per terminal, with an additional charge each year for service.

With a Software as a Service subscription plan you have the benefit of knowing that your system will always be up-to-date, just like you receive new shows and content inside your Netflix account. These programs also include 24 x 7 technical support and equipment replacement! Cervion makes purchasing or upgrading to new systems easy, affordable. You won’t break the bank with traditional upfront capital requirements.

3. Upgrades & Enhancements

Unlike buying a walk in-freezer or overhead exhaust, a point of sale system is designed to be a manager for your restaurant, one which works for you 24 x7. To keep your restaurant operating, updates are critical to deliver key operational and security features. Doing so keeps you ahead of the big-name competitors, and in many cases, with better security controls. As the centralized control center of your menu, reporting, transactions and time clock, your POS system gives you the ability to maximize the guest experience and business profits.

Enhancements give restaurants the ability to implement new feature sets designed to increase revenue. New functionality allows for restaurants to stay competitive, integrate into new service providers, and enable must-have features - like commission-free online ordering programs and employee scheduling apps. When purchasing any point of sale system, it's important to consider the upgrades and enhancements available to you.

4. Cancellations

When technology changes, having tens of thousands of dollars invested into a purchased point of sale is a tough pill to swallow. Some well-known restaurant groups continue to operate out of date legacy systems simply because of the previous resources dollars and time invested. Like a bad stock pick, sunken costs are difficult to part with - and restaurants may be losing potential future revenues that a modern point of sale could bring.

Bundling has become very popular with some modern POS providers, including bundling of proprietary payment processing services. The danger of bundling is that these providers charge cancellation fees for the POS but also liquidated damages of future processing revenues they would have received from these services. These fees can range from thousands to tens-of-thousands of dollars.

Cervion offers local trusted advisors who can tell you more about the Processing Pledge, a commitment to our customers to offer a wide range of transparent payment processing options.


Cervion is a point of sale provider with offices in New York, Pennsylvania, and South Florida. Founded in 1996, with over 20 years of experience, Cervion is one of the leading restaurant focused VAR (value based resellers). Cervion provides local sales and service for modern, tablet-based point of sale systems, and affordable As A Service plans for new and existing restaurants. For more information, please call (877) 476-7246 or email sales@cervion.com.

Written by Alejandro Swaby

Alejandro is the Director of Sales at Cervion.