Welcome to today's episode of Restaurant Technology Tuesday where we bring quick answers to the most common questions we hear from restauranteurs. Today we feature our Director of Sales, Alejandro Swaby to talk about technology that can help restaurants through the ongoing labor shortage and features that helps increase ticket averages.
This week's questions are:
1. What technology can restaurants use to help with the ongoing labor shortage?
2. Are there specific features of a POS system that can help restaurants increase their ticket averages?
For any questions you would like answered, submit them to giovanna@cervion.com. As always, if you have questions that you would like to discuss with your local POS expert directly, call us at (877) 476-7246 x2.
Cervion Systems is a Point of Sale provider with offices in Arizona, New York, Pennsylvania and South Florida. Founded in 1996, with over 20 years of professional POS service experience, Cervion is the leading VAR (value added reseller) offering restaurant Point of Sale. Cervion provides restaurants and bars with local sales and service, modern Apple iPad point of sale systems and affordable programs for new and existing restaurants. Please contact Cervion Systems at (877) 476-7246 or sales@cervion.com.